Sunday, February 23, 2014

Working on the Pocahontas wedding jacket

I've been to Williamsburg the last few weekends to work on the jacket mentioned a couple of posts ago.  It has been a wonderful experience.  So far it has been estimated that well over 300 hours of stitching and over 30 women have worked on the jacket. The design is fantastic!  I love all the motifs and while it is hard to get the stitching as detailed as the paper pattern, the shading really brings the pattern to life.  And it is an added bonus to be able to work in the design room in the Costume Building at Colonial Williamsburg.

These photos are from my first weekend there, when I stitched both Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 8 and 9. I stitched on the upper arm piece.

I finished the oak leaves and stitched a beaver the next Sunday. You can see some of the stitching done by others on this upper arm piece. 

This weekend I stitched on the right front.  Here are the motifs I did today plus some photos of the whole right front so you can see how work is progressing.

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